User Requirements — Meeting the Challenge

Can we do it? Yes we can! On a recent project, the client posed an interesting challenge. Requirements as follows: We want a Process API that can fetch data from multiple systems Data will come from different sources; Relational Databases (Oracle, MSSQL & MySQL), CSV Files, and external APIs The

User Requirements — Raising the Bar

Can we do it? Yes we can! Last month we shared an interesting use-case in which the Mule Whisperer rose to the challenge. Having delivered, the users came back with a new use-case. This one had an interesting twist. We need to create a report using data from two different

How the Mule Saved a Doomed Project

Imminent project failure Averted! Sometimes even the best projects can suffer a devastating blow that leaves the team and stakeholders reeling. Such was a project that I worked on a few years back. It was a two-year development project that started off the back of the previous eighteen months of

Playing the Hand You’re Dealt — Even When it is Bad

  The text books are full of integration patterns and best practices. All  worthy of study and the Holy Grail to which we aspire as solution architects, designers and developers. Then we encounter the real world where things just don’t work quite the way our training course and industry gurus

The Mule Eats its Own Hay Bales

  I recently had the opportunity to work on an interesting project. While most clients are content to manage their API landscape via Mule’s Cloudhub interface, one client was not. In this particular case, they had a sophisticated internal portal that their administrators used and they wanted to offer said

Correlation — Thinking Outside the Box

  Correlation is an easy way to allow different systems to communicate with one another. Usually, we use a correlation ID as a common reference between multiple systems. When a system completes a given task, it can notify other systems in the network which, in turn use the correlation ID